Happy and Stay Positive

This past few days been bombarded by negative thoughts and there are so many things that pop up in my mind and I just wanted to clear this out and try to focus, focus, focus, focus Mayenne. Life is so beautiful to be miserable and we’re just a steward is this place so live life to the fullest like there’s no tomorrow. Laugh out loud and smile through your heart and when your about to worry think that God’s blessings and grace is much bigger, better and wider that what you worry the most. That’s why do whatever you wanted to do, go off limits. Do some activities that would make you feel worth it, hop to gym, do some errands, engage in sports or make your own blog, that’s why I’m happy with this baby if mine, I could be able to post not just what I love the most about my fashion way but I could be able to express myself in different ways too (pls.no judgemental here). So here’s what I wear to ease that negativity ;)








Who says Aztec prints and stripes doesn’t goes well? Your kidding me right? See this, they really complement with each other, it gives an easy softer look even if the two fabrics are denim. That’s right, you have to make some twist like this pink pumps of mine that gives the look a sweet tooth. Just like in life you have to find something or someone or just focus and find your self in the core of your being to lift your spirit. I sound so mellow dramatic now guys, please pardon me. Just want to release it and I’m happy your just around. :)


I hope you like it. DIY



Hello there guys! I would like to present to you my own version of Katy Perry song Roar since it’s up and trending. Hope you like it.


I so love this cropped leatherette jacket of mine because it’s so versatile. With this outfit I’m trying to incorporate this into an office ensemble that’s why I have inner on it you know how much strict our office is when it comes to dressing. Yah I know it will be much better if there’s no inner on it just please bare with me this time :)





With a red spot on it makes the whole ensemble perfect and beautiful, isn’t it?

D’ Star Birthday Bash

My friend and co-worker Cliff birthday last August 31 but we did celebrated it last Thursday since we know for a fact that he’ll be busy on that very special day of him. So where to go for a super lamon celebration? Yakimix it is! So here’s what we eat till our tummy surrenders.



See this overload?


And the beautiful celebrant, the Star of the Junior Buyers.


This is our gift to cliffy, a collage of his pictures.





They’re not just a colleagues but a friend and family whom you can lean and count on. Soar high JB!